Upcoming Competitions

Below you will find the list of Upcoming Galas and the Gala Entry Forms (please download, complete and return to Competition Secretaries before the closing date, along with the relevant payment).

The forthcoming individual competitions are:

Swim League 2023

Micro League 2023

Sub League 2023

  • Saturday 11th March Salt Ayre admission 15.30 warm up 15.45 start 16.15
  • Saturday 17th June Palentine admission 12md, warm up 12.15 start 12.30

Open Competitions 2023

  • Blackpool Rocks (level 3) 27th and 28th May
  • North lancs (level 3) gala 1st and 2nd July

Gala Entry Forms
To download a Gala Entry Form, please click on the relevant link.